Lightbringer Faceguard Token to buy this drops from Archimonde in Hjyal Summit or you can buy
Vengeful Gladiator's Lamellar Helm from Kezzik the Striker in Area 52 for 1000 Honor Points or get
Crown of Empowered Fate from Essence of Anger in the Black Temple.
Lightbringer Pauldrons Token to buy this drops from Mother Sharaz in Black Temple or you can buy
Vengeful Gladiator's Lamellar Shoulders from Kezzik the Striker in Area 52 for 750 Honor Points.
Heroes' Redemption Tunic >Drops from Archavon 10 or buy with
Chestguard of the Lost Conqueror token that drops from Gluth in Naxx 10 or you can buy it in Dalaran.
Tabard of the Shattered Sun Requires Exalted with Shattered Sun Offensive
Heroes' Redemption Gloves> Drops from Archavon or buy with Gloves of the Lost Conqueror token, which drops from Satharion in the Obsidian Sanctum or you can
buy the token in Dalaran.
Tainted Girdle of Mending > Drops from Patchwerk in Naxx 10
Heroes' Redemption Greaves:> Drops from Archavon 10 or buy with token that drops from Thadius in Nax 10.
Sabatons of Deathlike Gloom Drops from Gothik the Harvester in Naxx 10
The Willbreaker Drops from Keli'dan the Breaker in The Blood Furnace heroic
Sunward Crest Requires exalted with Shattered Sun Offensive